01 The Write Elements: October 2015

Monday, 26 October 2015

CATCH for October

Ah the oh-so-wonderful school projects. With one glorious issue down, it's been a week into the second issue.
What I've uploaded are some pictures of the PDF of our "humanitarian"-themed magazine.
This includes
- the CATCH cover (which wasn't done by me, I'm just so bad with layouts);
- a guessing game where you have to figure out which city/country the Before and After shots came from;
- an feature article about Gautam Joseph, a volunteer at Transient Workers Count Too (TWC2), which also has a VIDEO I shot and edited;
- another feature on Sherlyn Khong, a co-founder of acts29;
- news bites;
- infographic on the Syrian refugee crisis;
- Travel with Purpose, featuring countries like Bangladesh India, Nepal, Ethiopia (all mine heehee), where you can do humanitarian work and still find fun activities;
- and one of my games, my original Crossword :D