01 The Write Elements: December 2016

Saturday, 31 December 2016

Happy New Year

So how's everyone doing as we bring in the new year? 

I went to a sale and added more to the family. I've got my two temporary shelves and just put up my books. Or tried to. What was I thinking, two isn't enough! 

Now the books are strewn on the floors. Either piled high or like dominos. 

But I actually feel quite cozy. 

Plan to continue my reviews at a steadier pace and participate in more giveaways 😆 

And definitely continue writing. 

I wanna hear book plans from everyone, so anyone feel free to comment! 

Friday, 2 December 2016

The Festive Book Sale

The finished look. Gorgeous dim lighting and wonderful looking with all the effort we put into it. 

Of course for book browsers we had to light it up

The special Bag o' Surprises! Books pre- or still loved by the team and contributed to those who finish our Exhibition Quiz (shown later)

(Above two photos aren't by me.)

A little of the exhibition. Close to 10 million hours = 19 years of hard work ... and blood, sweat and tears (next photo with my copy)

#intheworks: The 9,986,400 Hours Showcase of all our #bloodsweatandtears will be happening as part of our Festive Book Sale this weekend (From 11-8pm on Friday to 11-5pm on Saturday and Sunday)! Come check it out when it's all done! 

#sglit #singlit #factoftheday #thetruthbehind #showcase #bookcoverdesign #troublemaker #books

I tried to take a nice panorama. Looks amazing this way! 

Cute little bargain corner 

Wrapped up nicely for the book bundles. I have ribbon skills. Who knew 

Empty before the day ran out haha

Made a humongous sign. Two A3s

I love my signages!!!