01 The Write Elements: October 2017

Thursday, 19 October 2017

When you get students to try broadcast journalism...

...you do feel accomplished.

A group of N(A) students from a neighbourhood school tried their hands at writing hitting questions for a fake live interview

They even wrote responses!

I’m so proud. Even when the large majority of the class didn’t want to, they wanted to work with me (I was assisting the main trainer)

And eventually I got them to try newscasting. While the main trainer was away with the other team on interview skills

Day 2

Team 1

How about the Halloween night?

~ then helped to really dive into the shark attack story

(They do their best, whether their vocab is strong or not, at least they try)

USS Halloween H Night report
Thrown to a Live report at SEA aquarium ~
Team 2

Now how are we going to talk about the heavy rains recently? floods in the area? Excellent!

And then they just came up with a water theme park as their end~

Duo Newscaster team
Day 1