01 The Write Elements: March 2018

Sunday, 25 March 2018

Lofty script ideas : Animal Farm

Secondary school year 1s aren't ready for this yet

They can barely make it past the first two chapters I wrote

But they do love a battle. That's all on my student then

It’s a private post

Saturday, 10 March 2018

SBS Transit: re-train your staff

39 bus. 10:27am on March 10 

Bus stop #77021 

My entire day and weekend was spoilt by one of your staff

I was confronted by your bus inspector demanding that I pay a fine of $50 as he insisted I did not pay my fare when I boarded bus 39 that morning

I told him I had tapped my card upon boarding 
but he kept insisting I had not tapped properly.

He mentioned seeing a green light. 

I told him I had seen the light, read my card value and heard the sound, all to indicate everything is in order

He still insisted for my particulars when I told him I wasn’t about to pay any fine as I had paid for my fare.

He mentioned that he would get off the bus with me so I could finish writing my particulars, and hung onto my Passion ez link card. 

I didn’t want to cause a scene but to prove my point that I paid for my fare, I asked him to tap out. When he saw the reader indicating $0.77 had been deducted, he returned my card. No apology, nothing.

I was thoroughly appalled by his lack of professionalism and his inability to admit his wrongdoing. Not only that I was flustered and embarrassed as the incident took place with a bus load of commuters. What would have turned out worse if I were I late for my class. Since I didn’t want to miss another connecting I quickly alighted without getting his name. 

Despite all this, I thanked the bus captain who had to witness this rather annoying event

I am writing to you as I don’t wish for this incident to happen again

As the premiere in transportation services, I recommend that this bus inspector to be retrained and such uncivilised behaviour should not be tolerated