01 The Write Elements: Smart phone photography

Monday 22 January 2018

Smart phone photography

This is the awesome part of the training when you get a lot of hands on work with the kids.

Had to give them examples so I was kneeling down and taking photos with them. Then I got a comment later “Cher, your pavement looks nicer. More cracks."

Felt the photographer in me awaken 😆


Week 2

I did go a bit rogue. Wanted to give the kids an example of what photography is like

But I did help the ones that followed me around

Now these were mostly at the front of the school! What a walk


Meet the cutest, smallest flowers. Straight from a DIY water bottle pot. The students had to grow this themselves! I really wanna know what they are

If you use the tip of a thin marker and made a dot, that's how small they are

In other words, the focusing took forever.

ese leaves look painted on?

One of my tuition students thought I did actually paint it. Even the background's nice.

It took about 5 minutes in the sun trying to pull down the leaves. They were unravelling all over their water bottle pot holder

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