01 The Write Elements: 2013

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

The Juvie Three by *drumroll* Gordon Korman

Image from Google

It's about the same wavelength as shipwreck, but the teens have gone to a halfway house courtesy of Healy, who's at this point sort of like their den mother. 

The rehabilitation they go through is definitely stifling, like having your head shrunk, but it has to happen of course - not just for the book, though I guessed right about their personalities.
But seriously it did get me thinking. Everyone ought to know the system, of Any country, isn't near perfect. In fact it may have as many holes as a Swiss though we see it we can't act on it. Where sometimes the good get into a bind and the bad somehow get off scot free (Enough about that, before I get into trouble.) 

Then comes characters like the cases Healy's decided to take on. According to him it was because they reminded him of himself.
However having them there (excuse the pun that's coming), couldn't have been worse for his memory. *whistles innocently*

 If you see the synopsis that's at the back of the paperback, Healy has lost his memories and now the three "delinquents", as everyone around them seems to see them, are actually free to do what they want. 

When I said I guessed right about how they are supposed to be as people, I was certainly spot on. I figured all the bravado and trying to be butch wasn't all that was to them. There was even a show for love interests for more than just one guy. 
Honestly the bit about Gecko's girl's uncle's job was so not a surprise. It actually brought more laughs than it intended. Duh moment has come *guffaw heh*

I realise a story then could only be taken so far and the way it unfolded till the jailbreak (just Had to use the word) was I suppose a build on suspense. Since technically what else can you do. Everyone will get suspicious eventually. Human nature *shrug* 

Ah yes, I have to say the way Healy lost his memories was ..something. But the way Gordon rounded back to the same moment was awesome. I think you can guess what happened there for the poor guy. 

Not too bad, especially for this kind of storyline. Emphasis: There was effort to really get an understanding in the characters', well, character. 

starting the ISLAND trilogy by Gordon Korman - #1 shipwreck

I'm not sure if I've said this before but I'll say it again. Gordon Korman has got to be one of my favourite authors. I love the ideas he can come up with, and his writing is right up there too. 

I haven't had the time for awhile but now I'm reverting to my fan-with-foam-thumb-waving state of reading his trilogies; and yes I do know once again the age range Is rated "kid" but as I've said once before, boo them. 
In fact, I have visited the YA section and even without looking at the author's name I found a book called "The Juvie Three" and obviously it'd be one of his. Don't you just love it when that happens.

Today I'm posting about the first book, Shipwreck, quite briefly because I don't want to spoil anything. 

There's something about mystery and suspense of being stranded on Islands that appeals to me. Happens for shows - cartoons if you will - too. And I'm sure I'm not the only one to feel this! 

As for this, meeting the dysfunctional (emphasis on that) siblings, a walking Encyclopedia, an athlete (female), richie rich (sadly no pun, his name is J.J.) and a tooooootally regular guy.
I have to admit it isn't my best way of describing them but do any of them really sound like felons? That's my point.
So the story begins with the teens being corralled onto a ship, which later is left being "battle scarred" "SS Nix" (lucky sounding, ain't it?), because of the criminal things they have done. Yes of course without a proper verdict, as all good systems do.

So the whole time for weeks they're meant to learn the ropes of what it's like to be at sea. To understand the meaning of discipline, cooperation and respect for the law. (Guess where that came from *rolls eyes*) 

Gordon always writes with such an impact though that you can actually experience it, without actually experiencing it. Obviously most readers won't know what it feels like to cross the ocean that often - minus cruise ships - much less being adrift. 

( Have I said too much? )

It's just so vivid being....afloat? (Is that okay?) *beep* the unending thirst and hope for rain only to have it trickle a few feet away from you. Wow. 
Oh. Never drink salt water, someone learnt that the hard way. I could almost empathise, and it even had me reaching for a whole jug of water. After I read that long portion. Decided to suffer a little for their cause. 

Needless to say, I was hooked completely and right now I have the second book in my hand begging to be read.

And in the background right now is, in fact, "the magic of the big blue" - Nat Geo's programme. The latter's name of which will be mentioned more than frequently in the books. 

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins (a great welcome-back book)

 I don't even know how long it's been since I've been able to pick up a book to read, just too long. I can't believe I held out. For months it has been endless project work and the final two exams are finally all over. Congrats me new media student. I'm actually really proud to be in this industry. I'm loving what I do.

  Anyway, back to business. I immediately headed out to the library as soon as my exam was over. This Hex Hall was one of the books I've been meaning to read for a long time and I thankfully saw it nicely sitting on the shelf, snugly wedged in-between hordes of other books (it's exam preparation for most students so hardly anyone was in the library, all the better for me since no one can borrow my books away *victory fist*). 

I was pleased beyond belief the first book I chose to 'come back' with was such a good read. I had read other reviews about how perhaps the story was too much like "Harry Potter for girls". To be honest I never really enjoyed Rowling's writing (prepares herself for being struck by literary lightning), but I absolutely adored this book! I read it twice even.

And yes there was a comment about how the character of Archer Cross (yay for heartthrobs!) was just a mysterious, cool, easy-on-the-eyes, good-looking heartthrob, and how they wanted more information I felt it was enough to keep readers guessing about his past well into the rest of her series, which I can't wait to find. 
So yes I said it, Archer (I'm sure you guessed it) is one of the bad-boy yet pretty-boy types, so said by Sophie as well as me. A wonderful addition.
And gratefully he isn't blonde. I  don't know what's with me, but I can't take another one.
One more obvious fact, he's playing with sooooo many heartstrings in this book. Past Holly, present Elodie (yes E-lo-dy) and hopefully :D future Sophie (however much she denies it)

Actually the addition of different characters was definitely interesting. Part of the rule book, every story has to have a witchy enemy (ahem), outcasts and so on. So it was really nice meeting them.

The first few bits after the introduction, aka reason why Sophie had to join Hex Hall, was a bit of a blur. Tiny bit less interesting before she made it to the actual venue. Also there was the other huge chunk of information leading up to the introduction of the (pronouncing it as I type) L'Occhio di Dio. Bigger blur. If I had been a first-year student there my eyes would have surely glazed over, though the idea of having it shown like a projection is so cool. Damn I wish this magic was real. 

However it got extremely interesting for 95% of the book, so no regrets about this plot. It is a fun read, as most would categorise it. Rachel is excellent and there's obviously wit or I wouldn't love it so much. Banter between the ad-odds 'couple' is great to read. Awesome comebacks. And I'm totally hungry for more info, especially on Sophie's future, though as a writer several scenes already are playing in my head

Next I'll be reading "Fairy Bad Day" by Amanda Ashby. I borrowed that along with "Stealing Phoenix" and "The Raven Boys". I seem to have a theme going

Monday, 29 April 2013

Ascension of the Lord

CDM Parish Bulletin_Vol2013.18

If you had looked at your diary last Thursday – that’d be 40 days after Jesus Christ rose from the dead on Easter – you might’ve seen a heading “Ascension Day”, or you might not have it at all because this day is one of the neglected feast days of the Christian calendar. Forgetting the commemoration is already a sad fact but in overlooking this day, the opportunity is lost for reflecting on the message of the Ascension of the Lord. If we gloss over its truth we deprive ourselves of a most essential testament, for without this, the sacrifices and effort of Christ would be incomplete. On this day, it celebrates His redemption – His rise into Heaven by His own power, and with showing us where He has gone, we hope to someday follow. Since it is always on a weekday, it is also a constant reminder that practicing the faith fully isn’t something only for Sundays, it is an experience for every day. The Feast day marks the beginning of the first Novena.

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Baptism of the Lord

CDM Parish Bulletin_Vol2013_02

I think I re-wrote it three times till it finally came out like that ^

it was an important event so I had to get it right...
On the 13th of January, as the Christmas season ends, the church celebrates another significant event: the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, to repent for the remission of sins. On this day, Jesus chose to surrender Himself graciously in the River Jordan and be baptised by John the Baptist. As Catholics we see Christening as an important rite, whether one is an infant or adult, to cleanse our being and soul from the Original Sin. Jesus also sought to purify Himself even though He had no need, which shows how much more thankful we should be to receive this sacrament, freeing us from sin and incorporating ourselves in the Trinity. John has “prepared the way”, simply meaning to create a favourable environment making it easy for Christ to enter into our lives once again.


On the 13th, as the Christmas season ends, the church celebrates another significant event: the feast of the Baptism of the Lord. As Catholics we see baptism as an important rite, whether one is an infant or fully grown, to cleanse our being and soul from the Original Sin. Why then does one as pure as Christ need to be baptised? He did it for us. Jesus was baptised by John the Baptist whilst surrendering Himself graciously in the River Jordan, sanctifying it. The entire Trinity intervenes as the event is Our Lord’s second appearance. In doing so has shown how necessary and thankful we should be for receiving such a sacrament. At Christ’s baptism, He was proclaimed our Father’s “Beloved Son” and the heavens opened. At ours’, we became the adopted children of God with the heavens opened to us.


On 13th January, as the Christmas season ends, the church celebrates another significant event: the feast of the Baptism of the Lord. As Catholics we see baptism as an important rite, whether one is an infant or adult, to cleanse our being and soul from the Original Sin; and so at our Christening, we became the adopted children of God. On this day, Jesus was baptised by John the Baptist whilst surrendering Himself graciously in the River Jordan. At His baptism, He was proclaimed our Father’s “Beloved Son” and opened the gates of Heaven. In doing so, Jesus has shown how necessary and thankful we should be for receiving such a sacrament. Why then does one as pure as Christ need to be baptised? He simply did it for us.


On the 13th of January, as the Christmas season ends, the church celebrates another significant event: the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, to repent for the remission of sins. On this day, Jesus chose to surrender Himself graciously in the River Jordan and be baptised by John the Baptist. As Catholics we see Christening as an important rite, whether one is an infant or adult, to cleanse our being and soul from the Original Sin. Jesus also sought to purify Himself even though He had no need, which shows how much more thankful we should be to receive this sacrament, freeing us from sin and incorporating ourselves in the Trinity. John has “prepared the way”, simply meaning to create a favourable environment making it easy for Christ to enter into our lives once again.

He was proclaimed our Father’s “Beloved Son” and opened the gates of Heaven.