01 The Write Elements: Stickman Odyssey: an epic doodle BOOK ONE by Christopher Ford

Monday 12 November 2012

Stickman Odyssey: an epic doodle BOOK ONE by Christopher Ford

I know Greek stories aren't meant to be funny but I believe the story was told that way to appeal to those who wouldn't even look once at a Greek anything but will look twice at a stick doodle. I do both, so I absolutely had to swipe this book. And I really can't wait for the next one!

Some lines were pretty good! I even posted pictures. It was the usual journey and Christopher had some facts from the actual epic odyssey in his epic doodle, for example the crew stuffing their ears with wax, although in an entirely different context.

It was definitely appealing. The hero suffered hubris (Greek for "pride [like it comes before the fall]") obviously. And he had to ask for help so overcame his blatant stubbornness that he could do it all on his own. Of course, in doodle form it doesn't seem so extreme but it still is, in its own way.

I applaud the author trying to work his way around making a story that would grab anyone's attention - drawing 4 lines and a circle isn't all that easy especially with what 'lacked' had to be made up for by wit.

Basically, it was a lot of fun. Like I said, bring on book two! :)

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