Hi Jade Got your sms and photos of the primary kids. Thanks! We have been writing a few lines on the meaning of each Advent candle starting from the Sunday of Hope, Peace and this week is Joy. I have also used the attachment to extract some contents, besides using the Advent booklet. Wd you like to peruse thru on the 4th Sun's write up, as well as Google on reliable websites to write another 100 word write up about the 4th Sunday of Advent, and meaning of the last candle of which marks "Love"? As always, submission by Tues. Let me know if you can take this up. Thanks and have a blessed weekend, Tricia |
CDM Parish Bulletin_Vol62[1] (i THINK it's there, i THINK it's there...)
The fourth candle, the "Candle of Love," reminds Christians that God loves us enough to send his only Son to Earth and that Jesus comes to bring Peace to both the world and to people's hearts, because without Him there is no peace in this world. With this flame we signify the love of God that surrounds and fills us at all times, but that we recognize in a special way in the Christmas story. There is no greater power than love. It is stronger than rulers and empires, stronger than grief or despair, stronger even than death. We love, because God loves us.
On the fourth Sunday of Advent, the focus is on "Love". It reminds Christians that God loves us enough to send his only Son to Earth and that Jesus comes to bring peace to both the world and to people's hearts, because without Him there is no peace in this world. And with this flame not only do we signify the love of God that surrounds and fills us at all times, we recognize in a special way the Christmas story. There is no greater power than love. It is stronger than rulers and empires, stronger than grief or despair, stronger even than death. We love, because God loves us.
Fulfillment of Prophecy: “...the Dayspring from on high has visited us; To give light to those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.” Luke 1: 78b-79